DNA Fragmentation Test
DNA is the hereditary material in humans and other organisms, and it is made up of two long chains of sugars and phosphate that are coiled around each other. The information in DNA is stored as a code composed of four types of molecules known as bases that are attached to the DNA strands like rungs on a ladder.
A human being has the same basic building blocks, but their order determines how much information is available to build and maintain the organism. Just as different letter combinations produce different words and sentences, the unique sequence of these bases distinguishes your DNA.
Oxidative stress is a major cause of sperm DNA fragmentation. Oxidative stress is a strain on the body caused by atoms with unpaired electrons and free radicals that are not adequately neutralized by antioxidants.
Infections, cigarette smoking, drug use, exposure to environmental and occupational pollutants, advanced age, varicocele, illnesses with high fevers, elevated testicular temperature, chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer and cancer treatment, poor diet, and obesity are all linked to sperm DNA fragmentation.
The most common test in the workup for male infertility is a semen analysis; however, research shows that the results of these tests cannot predict fertility or whether a pregnancy will occur with infertility treatment. Therefore, clinicians and researchers have sought alternative methods of determining whether or not a male is fertile.