A laparoscope is a type of medical telescope. It is linked to bright light and a high-resolution monitor.…
Prior to diagnostic laparoscopy, routine blood test analysis, urine, and sometimes a chest X-ray or EKG may be…
The fallopian tube and ovary are well located in the pelvis, practically all surgeries for nonmalignant disorders with these organs…
A tubal ligation (sometimes known as "tying your tubes") is a treatment that closes both fallopian…
The uterus is surgically removed during a hysterectomy. Hysterectomies are done for a variety of reasons. A hysterectomy…
The occurrence of adhesions in the body is far more prevalent than is commonly assumed. Adhesiolysis is a…
Myomectomy is a surgical procedure used to remove uterine fibroids. Your doctor may advise you to have this…
In women with a septate uterus, hysteroscopic septum excision increases the chances of live birth. Worldwide, hysteroscopic septum…
A hysteroscope is a thin, illuminated, flexible tube used to examine the inside of the cervix and uterus. The gadget…
Hysteroscopy is a procedure used to diagnose and treat the reasons for irregular bleeding. Your doctor will use…